The United Indian
The United Indian

The United Indian

The United Indian ensures that our fellow citizens are aware of the scenarios surrounding them and empowers them to take control of what they believe is necessary for the progress of their motherland.

About us Image

Speak, Connect, Act, Change and Be Proud

Our fondness & curiosity for being updated regarding what’s happening around us, social issues bothering the citizens, the latest developments of public interest, and our opinion on the same gave birth to the idea of creating an open space where we can share all this information regularly with everyone. We essentially breach on six areas, namely environment, technology, governance, social causes, economy and current happenings.

The United Indian serves as a platform for people to voice their opinions and stand in unity! It is an attempt to make a positive change and make people more optimistic about the country, to believe in the country and the people, and to think that changes can happen and will happen; strength is within us - the people of India. We want people to believe in themselves and make a better contribution to our homeland. Show them the way, serving as an inspiration for them to take a step forward towards the betterment of themselves and the country. We believe that the five pillars of Economy, Human resources, Infrastructures, Natural Resources, Innovation and Law lay the foundations for development.

We do not belong to 1 particular section or group or motive or place, or culture. Our concern is things that affect the majority, topics that people can relate to, developments they feel good about, or things they can improve on and contribute to. And thus, we open-heartedly welcome our audience to share their thoughts freely, express their concerns, give their valuable opinions and motivate them to contribute as responsible citizens.

By talking about things that really matter, we aim to create awareness and hope to see the country make the right choices and decisions based on ground reality, and a good understanding of how an economy works is all that we desire.

As a short disclaimer, we would like to clarify that we back up our information with credible sources and Indian constitutional law on each topic. We do not belong to any party/political group/news channel/ paid organization. We do not take payments from any sort of organization for promotion or campaign purposes.

The United Indian