The United Indian
The United Indian

Golden Threads: How the Tradition of Buying Gold on Dhanteras Continues to Illuminate Indian Celebrations & Economy

 buying gold on Dhanteras

Weaving Traditions, Illuminating Celebrations, Sparking Prosperity

Nov 10, 2023

Dhanteras, a significant occasion in the Hindu calendar, marks the initiation of the Diwali celebrations. It falls on the second day of the five-day Diwali festival. It is considered to be an auspicious day to buy gold, silver, and other precious metals. The tradition of buying gold on Dhanteras is centuries old and has deep cultural and religious significance. However, its impact extends far beyond the realm of tradition, intricately weaving into the fabric of Indian celebrations and economy.  


Cultural Significance of Buying Gold on Dhanteras

There are many legends and beliefs associated with the tradition of buying gold on Dhanteras. One of the most popular legends associated with Dhanteras is that of the goddess Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity. It is believed that Lakshmi visits homes on Dhanteras night and blesses the occupants with wealth and good fortune. Buying gold on Dhanteras is considered to be a way to invite Lakshmi into one's home and attract her blessings.


Another popular belief is that buying gold on Dhanteras helps to ward off evil spirits and protect the home from harm. Gold is also considered to be a symbol of purity and auspiciousness. Therefore, buying gold on Dhanteras is seen as a way to bring good luck and fortune into one's life.


Buying Gold on Dhanteras

Economic Impact of Buying Gold on Dhanteras


Beyond its cultural significance, the tradition of buying gold on Dhanteras plays a pivotal role in shaping the Indian economy. Dhanteras is one of the biggest shopping days of the year in India. On this day, millions of people across the country purchase gold. The surge in gold purchases during this period has a cascading effect on various sectors, from retail to finance. Jewelers witness a substantial uptick in sales, prompting them to curate special collections and offers to allure customers during this festive season.  This has a significant impact on the Indian economy during that period.


Boosting Demand for Gold

First, it boosts the demand for gold, which in turn supports the gold mining and refining industries. India is the world's largest consumer of gold, and Dhanteras accounts for a significant portion of the annual gold demand in the country. Local markets come alive with the hustle and bustle of shoppers seeking the perfect piece of gold to bring home. This annual gold rush not only benefits established jewelers but also provides a significant boost to small and local businesses. Artisans and craftsmen find increased demand for their skill, contributing to the economic vibrancy of smaller communities.


Creating Jobs

Second, the purchase of gold on Dhanteras creates jobs in the gold retail sector. Millions of people are employed in the gold retail industry in India, from goldsmiths to salespersons to security guards. The increased rate of buying gold on Dhanteras helps to support these jobs and boost the overall economy.


buying of gold on Dhanteras


Increasing Government Revenue

Third, the buying of gold on Dhanteras increases government revenue through taxes collected on gold sales. The Indian government imposes a number of taxes on gold sales, including import duty, excise duty, and value-added tax (VAT). The revenue generated from these taxes is used to fund a variety of government programs and services.


Other Economic Impacts

In addition to the direct economic impacts mentioned above, the purchase of gold on Dhanteras also has a number of indirect economic impacts. For example, it helps to boost consumer confidence and spending in other sectors of the economy. It also helps to attract foreign investment into the country.


The Ripple Effect on Gold Prices

The sheer volume of buying gold on Dhanteras has a notable impact on gold prices globally. The increased demand, not just in India but worldwide, can cause fluctuations in the market. Investors and analysts keenly observe these patterns, recognizing the festival's influence on the broader dynamics of the gold market.


Overall Impact on the Indian Economy

Overall, buying of gold on Dhanteras is a significant economic event in India. It has a positive impact on the gold industry, the retail sector, and the overall economy.


buying gold on Dhanteras


Preserving Traditions in Modern Times

In a rapidly evolving world, the steadfast adherence to the tradition of buying gold on Dhanteras reflects the resilience of cultural practices. Despite economic shifts and changing lifestyles, this ritual stands as a testament to the enduring connection between the spiritual, cultural, and economic facets of Indian society.


How to Buy Gold on Dhanteras

If you are planning to buy gold on Dhanteras, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Do your research: Before buying gold on Dhanteras, it is important to do your research and understand the current market price. You should also compare prices from different jewelers to get the best deal.
  • Buy from a reputable jeweler: It is important to buy gold from a reputable jeweler who sells hallmarked gold. Hallmarked gold is gold that has been certified by a government agency to be of a certain purity.
  • Be aware of the different types of gold: There are different types of gold available, such as yellow gold, white gold, and rose gold. You should choose the type of gold that you prefer and that suits your budget.
  • Consider buying gold coins or bars: If you are buying gold for investment purposes, you may want to consider buying gold coins or bars. Gold coins and bars are easier to store and transport than gold jewelry.

Buying gold on Dhanteras




Buying gold on Dhanteras is a centuries-old tradition that has deep cultural and religious significance. Its brilliance not only illuminates households during Diwali but also casts a glow on the economic landscape of the nation. As families come together to celebrate, exchange gold, and create lasting memories, they contribute to a tradition that transcends time, adding a touch of sparkle to the cultural and economic heritage of India.

It is also a significant economic event in India, with a positive impact on the gold industry, the retail sector, and the overall economy. If you are planning to buy gold on Dhanteras, be sure to do your research and buy from a reputable jeweler and do check for hallmark & certifications.

Read more in Economy

The United Indian