The United Indian
The United Indian

Can You Survive With The High Inflation In India?

inflation in India 2024

Beat Inflation With Confidence

Jun 13, 2024

Inflation. The mere mention of the word can send shivers down the spines of Indian households. It's that persistent rise in the cost of living, slowly eroding the purchasing power of your hard-earned rupees. Inflation has been a major economic challenge in India over the past few years. As prices rise, the purchasing power of consumers' income diminishes, making it harder to maintain the same standard of living.

But fear not, with this blog will equip you with the knowledge to understand inflation in India, its impact, and ways to navigate its challenges.


A Look Back: Inflation Trends in India (Past 5 Years)

Here's a glimpse into India's inflation journey over the past five years (data till May 2024):


May 2024: As a sigh of relief, inflation rate in India in 2024 dipped to a 12-month low of 4.75%, comfortably within the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) target range of 2-6%.

Year 2023: The year saw a fluctuating trend, with inflation peaking at 7.8% in May 2023 due to factors like global oil price hikes and supply chain disruptions.

Year 2022: Inflation in India remained relatively stable, hovering around the 5% mark throughout the year.

Year 2021: The post-pandemic economic revival led to a rise in inflation, reaching 6.2% in November 2021.

Year 2020: The initial phase of the pandemic caused a temporary dip in inflation due to subdued demand.

Data Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), Government of India




Unveiling the Culprits: Causes Of Inflation in India

Inflation is a complex phenomenon with multiple contributing factors. Here are some key culprits in the Indian context:


  1. Global Factors: India's import dependence, particularly for oil, makes it susceptible to price fluctuations in international markets. Rising global oil prices can directly translate into higher transportation costs, impacting various sectors and ultimately pushing up product prices.


  1. Supply Chain Disruptions: The pandemic's lingering effects and geopolitical tensions worldwide have been other major causes of inflation in India as these have significantly disrupted global supply chains. This can further lead to shortages of essential goods, pushing up their prices.


  1. Demand-Pull Inflation: As the economy rebounds, consumer demand rises. If production doesn't increase proportionately, a shortage of goods can occur, leading to price hikes.


  1. Cost-Push Inflation: Rising production costs due to factors like higher raw material prices, wages, or transportation expenses can be passed on to consumers through increased product prices.


  1. Food & Fuel Prices: Fluctuations in food and fuel prices significantly impact inflation, especially for low-income households who spend a larger portion of their income on these essentials.


  1. Depreciating Indian Rupee: The weakening of the Indian rupee against major currencies has made imported goods more expensive, contributing to higher inflation.


inflation in India 2024


The Bite of Inflation: Impact on Household Budgets

The sting of inflation in India is felt most acutely at the household level. Here's how it pinches your wallet on daily basis:

  • Reduced Purchasing Power: As prices rise, the same amount of money buys fewer goods and services, making it challenging to afford essential goods and services. This directly impacts your standard of living.


  • Erosion of Savings: The real value of your savings gets eroded due to inflation, making it harder to build a financial cushion or plan for long-term goals.


  • Increased Debt Burden: Rising interest rates, often a tool used by the RBI to combat inflation, can make debt repayments more expensive. Households with fixed-rate loans or mortgages may find their debt burden increasing as the real value of their income declines due to inflation.


  • Tough Choices: Higher prices for food, housing, transportation, and utilities strain household budgets, leaving less disposable income for other expenses. Households may have to cut back on essential expenses like healthcare or education due to rising costs.


inflation in India 2024


Government Measures to Tame Inflation in India

The government, along with the RBI, takes various steps to manage the current inflation in India:

  1. Monetary Policy: The RBI uses tools like interest rate adjustments to influence money supply and credit availability in the economy. Higher interest rates can discourage borrowing and spending, thereby curbing inflation.


  1. Fiscal Policy: The government may adjust tax rates or spending to influence demand levels. For example, increasing taxes can reduce disposable income and dampen inflationary pressures.


  1. Supply-Side Measures: The government can incentivize production by easing regulations or providing subsidies to increase the availability of goods and services, ultimately putting downward pressure on prices. This includes releasing buffer stocks, reducing import duties, and providing subsidies to farmers and consumers.


  1. Import Duty Adjustments: Duties on imported goods have been adjusted to balance domestic production and imports, aiming to maintain price stability.

These measures, however, need careful calibration to achieve the desired outcome without hindering economic growth.


current inflation in India 2024


Some Practical Ways to Survive Inflation

While the government is trying its best to tackle current inflation in India at a macro level, here are some practical ways you can manage its impact on your household:

  • Track Your Expenses: Monitor your spending patterns to identify areas where you can cut back. Every rupee saved is a victory against inflation.


  • Prioritize Needs over Wants: Differentiate between necessities and luxuries. Focus on fulfilling essential needs like rent, utilities, food, and healthcare first and postpone discretionary spending.


  • Embrace Budgeting: Create a budget and stick to it. Allocate funds for different categories like groceries, utilities, and entertainment to avoid overspending.


  • Explore Cost-Saving Alternatives: Look for cheaper alternatives for everyday items. Consider generic brands or buying in bulk when feasible.


  • Shop Around & Compare Prices: Don't be brand loyal. Compare prices across different stores, both online and offline, to find the best deals. Utilize loyalty programs and discount coupons whenever possible. It’s the most simple way to deal with current inflation in India.


  • Embrace Frugal Living: Explore ways to reduce your consumption. Consider using energy-efficient appliances, carpooling, or opting for public transport. DIY projects and home repairs can help you save on professional services.


  • Explore Alternative Income Sources: Its 2024 and only savings might not work hence, it important to diversify your income sources by starting a small business, freelancing, or investing in dividend-paying stocks or rental properties.


  • Reduce Debt: Focus on paying off high-interest debt to minimize the impact of rising interest rates and free up more disposable income.


  • Maintain an Emergency Fund: Build an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses or financial shocks, which can help protect you from the effects of inflation.


inflation in India 2024



Invest Wisely to Beat Inflation In India

  • Invest in Assets: Inflation can erode the value of cash. Consider investing in assets that tend to appreciate in value over time, such as real estate (though with caution) or stocks (with a long-term horizon). However, consult a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.


  • Explore Inflation-Indexed Instruments: Look for investment options like inflation-indexed bonds, where the interest rate adjusts to inflation, protecting your purchasing power. Do not forget to take into consideration the current inflation rates in India in 2024 before making your investment decisions.


Embrace a Growth Mindset

  • Boost Your Income: Look for opportunities to increase your income through additional work, skill development, or negotiating a raise. Earning more helps you stay ahead of inflation.


  • Learn New Skills: Invest in acquiring new skills that can enhance your employability and potentially open doors to higher-paying jobs.

inflation in India 2024


The Road Ahead: Staying Informed and Adapting

The battle against inflation in India is an ongoing one. Here are some tips to stay informed and adapt effectively:

  • Stay Updated on Economic News: Keep yourself updated on economic trends and government policies that may impact inflation. This allows you to make informed financial decisions.


  • Be Flexible and Adaptable: Be prepared to adjust your spending habits and financial strategies as economic conditions evolve.


  • Seek Professional Guidance: When things get overwhelming, consider seeking guidance from a financial advisor who can help you create a personalized plan to navigate inflation.


Remember, inflation is a challenge, but not an insurmountable one. While the government's measures are crucial, individuals can also take proactive steps to mitigate the impact of rising prices on their personal finances. By understanding its causes of inflation in India, its impact, the inflation rate in India in 2024 and by adopting smart strategies such as budgeting, investing wisely, you can weather the storm and secure your financial well-being. Let's work together to keep the inflation tiger at bay and ensure a brighter financial future for ourselves and our families.

Read more in Economy

The United Indian